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Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Je wajua kuwa licha ya kuwa gaidi nambari moja duniani,Osama bin Laden pia ni mshairi?Well,mie nilikuwa sifahamu kuhusu hilo hadi niliposoma habari kwamba kuna mjadala unaoendelea kuhusu la jarida la Language and Communication kama lichapishe mashairi ya gaidi huyo au la.Watetezi wa hoja ya kuchapisha mashairi ya Osama wanadai kuwa kwa kuyachapisha inaweza kusaidia kumjua kwa undani zaidi gaidi huyo,huku wapinzani wakidai kwamba kuchapisha mashairi hayo kutampatia forum nyingine zaidi ya kujitangaza.


Monday, September 29, 2008



Shirika la Ujasusi la Uingereza (MI6) limeanza kutumia mtandao wa Facebook katika harakati zake za kusaka majasusi watarajiwa.Mpango huo wa mashushushu hao umeanza takriban wiki mbili zilizopita na unalenga kupata waajiriwa wapya kutoka katika kaliba mbalimbali za jamii.
Source: The Guardian


CLICK HERE to read the full story.


Hizi ni miongoni mwa kazi za wanasanii wetu wa nyumbani ambazo zilinigusa nilipokuwa huko hivi karibuni.Nilichopenda kwenye hii ya kwanza,"Nangoja ageuke" ya MwanaF.A. ft AY, ni mchanganyiko wa midundo na video yenyewe.Ushirikishwaji wa mastaa wetu wa Kibongo umeongeza chachandu pia.

Hizi zilizosalia zilinivutia zaidi katika flavour na beats


Tragic or funny?You decide.Read the whole story HERE


Pichani ni jengo la mashushushu wa MI6 (Shirika la Ujasusi la Uingereza)

Mkasa huu unachekesha kwani ni kama comedy flani vile,au pengine ni ajali kazini USOME HAPA

Sunday, September 28, 2008


For centuries, religious believers have endured suffering with impressive fortitude. Now scientists claim to have discovered that faith in God really can relieve pain.New research at Oxford University has found that the Christian martyrs may well have been able to draw on their religion to reduce the agony of, for example, being burnt at the stake.

Calming: The painting stared at by believers in God as they were subjected to electric shocks

Virgin Mary

In a bizarre experiment, academics at The Oxford Centre For Science Of The Mind ‘tortured’ 12 Roman Catholics and 12 atheists with electric shocks as they studied a painting of the Virgin Mary.

They found that the Catholics seemed to be able to block out much of the pain.

And, using the latest brain-scanning techniques, they also discovered that the Catholics were able to activate part of the brain associated with conditioning the experience of pain.

The findings were welcomed by the Anglican Bishop of Durham, the Rt Rev Tom Wright, who said: ‘The practice of faith should, and in many cases does, alter the person you are.

‘It can affect the patterns of your brain and your emotions. So it comes as no surprise to me that this experiment has reached such conclusions.’

The experiment is one of a series being conducted by the academics, a group of scientists, philosophers and theologians from different departments at the university.

A sparking device was strapped to the back of the participants’ left hands to deliver an electric shock.

The scientists then asked them to contemplate two paintings, Sassoferrato’s 17th Century Virgin Annunciate (Virgin Mary) and Leonardo da Vinci’s 15th Century Lady With An Ermine. 

The researchers hoped that the face of the Virgin Mary would induce a religious state of mind in the believers, while da Vinci’s painting was chosen because it did not look dissimilar and would be calming.

The volunteers were not told the true purpose of the experiment, only that it was designed to judge how people felt pain while contemplating pictures of different things.

They spent half an hour inside an MRI scanner, receiving a series of 20 electric shocks in four separate sessions while looking at either the religious or non-religious picture.

Each time, the volunteer had to rate how much it hurt on a scale of 0 to 100. 

The Catholics said that looking at the painting of the Virgin Mary made them feel ‘safe’, ‘taken care of’ and ‘calmed down and peaceful’.

More significantly, they reported feeling 12 per cent less pain after viewing the religious image than after looking at the Leonardo.

The front right-hand side of their brains lit up on the scanner, indicating that the neural mechanisms of pain modulation had been engaged.

There was no such brain activity among the atheists, whose pain and anxiety levels stayed roughly the same throughout the experiment.

Writing in the scientific journal Pain, the researchers concluded that at least some religious believers can moderate their pain by thinking about it more positively.

Psychologist Miguel Farias, one of the team, admitted that a similar effect may be produced by non-believers if a sufficiently powerful image was used. 

He said: ‘We would need to find a picture of someone they feel very positive towards, such as a mother or father.’

SOURCE: Dailymail


The City was in shock last night after the apparent suicide of a millionaire financier haunted by the pressures of dealing with the credit crunch.

Kirk Stephenson, who was married with an eight-year-old son, died in the path of a 100mph express train at Taplow railway station, Berkshire.

Mr Stephenson is believed to have taken his own life after succumbing to mounting personal pressures as the world’s financial markets went into meltdown.

New Zealand-born Mr Stephenson, who owned a £3.6million, five-storey house in Chelsea and a retreat in the West Country, was chief operating officer of Olivant Advisers.

Last year, the private equity firm tried to buy a 15 per cent stake worth almost £1billion in Northern Rock before the bank was nationalised, bidding against Virgin boss Sir Richard Branson.

In June, the company secured a 2.5 per cent stake in Swiss banking giant UBS. There has been persistent speculation in the financial world that UBS has written off billions after being exposed to the US mortgage market.

Since June, the bank has dropped in value by about 20 per cent, which means the value of Olivant’s stake in UBS has fallen from £950million to £770million.

Before his death at 9am on Thursday, Mr Stephenson appeared to have everything to live for. 

A glittering 20-year City career had made him a hugely wealthy man and he was said to have been happy in his marriage to Karina Robinson, a successful financial writer.

Sources stressed that neither Mr Stephenson nor his company had financial problems that would have led him to take his own life.

But they said the financier had ‘succumbed’ to the stress and responsibilities of his taxing role, adding that Mr Stephenson had overreacted to the continuing financial turmoil

After eating breakfast on Thursday with his wife and their young son Lucas, Mr Stephenson drove to Taplow station, left his car in the car park and crossed a footbridge over the main First Great Western Plymouth to Paddington line.

Out of view of passengers on the platform, he is then said by witnesses to have leapt in front of a high-speed train.

The driver sounded his horn and slammed on the brakes but was unable to stop in time. The train came to a standstill a mile down the track.

Mr Stephenson left no note, but the incident is being treated by police, train operator First Great Western and his own firm as a suicide.

 In due course a coroner will examine the death and record an official verdict.

Mr Stephenson’s colleagues and family were unable to explain why had he had gone to Taplow.

Last night, his devastated widow released a statement saying: ‘Kirk was a life-enhancer – not with a showy, life-and-soul-of-the-party sort of charisma, but as a planner who quietly ensured everyone around him had a marvellous time.

‘A dedicated father and a devoted husband, he valued his family above all else.

'He had a gift for friendship and was a generous and exceptional host, gathering his wide circle in summer villas all over Europe, as well as for parties, dinners and opera.

‘Any occasion with Kirk was a wonderful experience. He spent many a fine – and less than fine – summer evening listening to opera at Garsington, Glyndebourne and The Grange with friends.

'He also loved board games and tennis, passions he shared with his treasured son, Lucas.

‘He arrived in London in 1983 as an SG Warburg trainee. After his stint in the City he went on to work at several large organisations. Latterly, he was a director for Olivant.

‘Always a keen traveller, in 1999 he married his cherished wife Karina. Together they travelled from Bhutan to Burgundy, Buenos Aires to Tripoli.

‘He will be sorely missed by his wife, his son, his mother Bet Stephenson, and his many friends.’

Until two months ago, former merchant banker Karina was a columnist on The Banker magazine.

One of her former colleagues said: ‘It is shocking news. I know Kirk had been under pressure, but I am not aware that his own money was at stake.

'He was very hard-working. He did a 24-hour-a-day job.’

A family friend added: ‘Kirk was always troubled because of his work. He was always so busy, working late and travelling a lot.

'But he didn’t seem any different on Thursday. He ate breakfast with the family, kissed them and said goodbye. No one can believe what happened.’

Mr Stephenson’s previous jobs include chief operating officer of City lawyers Freshfield Bruckhaus Deringer, group finance director of Coats Viyella and Amersham International and an investment banker at Warburg and Morgan Stanley.

At Olivant Advisers he was paid £333,000 last year, but is thought to have made millions more from the core Olivant business, based in Guernsey

SOURCE: Dailymail


Picha kwa hisani ya  Chesi Mpilipili
Shirika la Umeme Tanzania,TANESCO,limetangaza ratiba mpya ya mgao wa umeme ambao tofauti na yale masaa matano ya awali   sasa tatizo hilo litadumu kwa masaa kumi kwa siku.Ni muhimu kuwa tatizo hili linakuja wakati tatizo jingine la nishati ya mafuta likiwa halijatulia sawasawa.Angalau katika suala la kupanda kwa bei za mafuta liko nje ya uwezo wetu kwa vile linakuwa determined na soko la dunia.Lakini inakuwa vigumu kuingia akilini pale ambapo takriban kila mwaka lazima TANESCO watangaze mgao wa umeme.Na ninaposema kila mwaka najaribu ku-neglect power cuts za mara kwa mara zisizo na ratiba ambazo zimekuwa kama suala la kawaida huko nyumbani.

Kwa mtazamo wangu,tatizo kubwa zaidi linaloikabili TANESCO sio uhaba wa fedha bali namna linavyoendeshwa kisiasa.Pengine unaweza kudhani ufumbuzi wa tatizo hilo ni kulibinafsisha shirika hilo la umma.Lakini pengine kabla hujafikiri hivyo ni vema ukaangalia baadhi ya mashirika ya umma ambayo kubinafsishwa kwake hakujaweza kuyafanya yamudu uendeshwaji wa mafanikio.Mfano mzuri ni Sherika la Reli (TRC) ambapo huduma zake zimeendelea kuwa mbovu licha ya kupatiwa mwekezaji ambaye pengine mafanikio yake makubwa yamekuwa katika kuishawishi serikali impatie fedha za kumkwamua kila linapotokea tishio la mgomo wa wafanyakazi.Sikatai kwamba kuna some few success stories katika ubinafsishaji wa mashirika yetu ya umma,mfano mzuri ukiwa TBL,lakini mafanikio hayo yanaendelea kubaki kuwa mithili ya matone kwenye bahari.

Uendeshwaji wa TANESCO kisiasa ndio uliopelekea shirika hilo kusaini mkataba wa ajabu na kampuni ya IPTL.Mkataba huo umeendelea kuiumiza TANESCO kwa muda mrefu sana na hakuna dalili za kuisha kwa tatizo hilo.Ahadi za kupitia mikataba mibovu zimeendelea kubaki ahadi huko akina IPTL wakiendelea kuikalia kooni,hali inayopelekea maumivu zaidi kwa wananchi wa kawaida.

Kuna hujuma za kiwango kidogo dhidi ya TANESCo zinazofanywa na wezi wa mafuta ya transfoma,mita za luku na hata nyaya za umeme.Hujuma hizi zinazodaiwa kuwashirikisha baadhi ya watumishi wasio waaminifu wa shirika hilo haziwezi kulinganishwa hata kidogo na hujuma kubwa kama hiyo ya IPTL.Hivi inaingia akilini kweli kwa shirika kulilipa shirika jingine hata lisipotoa huduma inayokusudiwa kwenye mkataba?

Kuna Watanzania wenzetu wanaofanya kila liwezekanalo kuona TANESCO haiishi kulingana na matarajio yake na ya wateja wake.Hawa ni pamoja na wale waliotuingiza mkenge kwenye utapeli wa Richmond.Hawa wanaombea ukame ujitokeze tena ili waje na scams nyingine za kuongeza mabilioni ya shilingi kwenye akaunti zao.Ni katika mazingira ya namna hii ndipo tunapojikuta tukipatwa na hisia kwamba hata kuharibika kwa mitambo ya umeme ya Songas (ambapo imepelekea kuwepo kwa mgao huu wa sasa) kunaweza kuwa hujuma ya hao wenzetu ambao kuumia kwa wengi ndio mafanikio yao.

Kabla ya kuangalia chanzo kikubwa cha utendaji wa kiwango cha chini kabisa kwa TANESCO (mbali na uendeshwaji wa kisiasa) ni vema pia kuangalia sera nzima ya nishati nchini.Katika dunia hii ambayo nchi kama zetu za dunia ya tatu (na hivi karibuni hata kwa nchi zilizoendelea) hazina uwezo madhubuti wa kukabiliana na matukio yasiyotarajiwa (eg kupanda kwa bei ya mafuta katika soko la dunia na the current world economy crisis) ni muhimu kujitengenezea mazingira ya kuzuia madhara ya huko mbeleni.Tukiendelea kutegemea mvua zijaze mabwawa ili mitambo ya TANESCO huko Kidatu na kwingineko ifanye kazi sawasawa,tutazidi kuumia.Pasipo kuwa na chombo madhubuti zaidi ya EWURA na TPDC,ni dhahiri wafanyabiashara wa mafuta wataendelea kuuza nishati hiyo kwa bei wapendazo wao.

Lakini ili yote yawezekane ni lazima kila Mtanzania aweke mbele maslahi ya taifa badala ya maslahi binafsi.Maamuzi mengi mabovu ni matokeo ya kukithiri kwa upungufu wa uzalendo na uchungu kwa taifa letu.Wataalam tunao lakini mara nyingi ushauri wao unapuuzwa kwa vile unaonekana kuathiri maslahi binafsi ya mafisadi.Kibaya zaidi,ushauri mzuri kwa maslahi ya taifa unaweza pia kutafsiriwa kuwa ni uchochezi.Siasa inaelekea kutawala kwenye kila nyanja na professionalism inanyang'anywa nafasi yake na hamasa za kisiasa.Nothing good ever comes out of putting emotions (in this case political sentiments) in front of common sense (hapa ni maslahi ya taifa)

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Related News: GOP concerned about Sarah Palin (Click the link)


Hatimaye mdahalo wa kwanza kati ya wagombea urais wa Marekani kwa vyama vya Democrat na Republican,Barack Obama na John McCain,respectively,umemalizika dakika chache zilizopita,mdahalo huo ulikuwa katika hatihati ya kufanyika kufuatia uamuzi wa McCain kusimamisha kampeni zake na kuomba mdahalo huo usogezwe mbele,kabla ya kubadili uamuzi huo (wa kushiriki mdahalo) mapema jana asubuhi.

Uchambuzi wa haraka haraka unaonyesha mambo kadhaa yaliyojitokeza kwenye mdahalo huo.Baadhi ya wachambuzi wanaona kwamba udhaifu wa Obama ulikuwa kwenye kuunga mkono hoja za McCain takriban mara saba (saying John is right on...) wakati McCain alikazania kuonyesha udhaifu wa Obama akitumia maneno kama "naivety","Obama doesnt seem to undestand",nk takriban mara nane.Kwa kuafikiana na McCain katika mitazamo au hoja zake,Obama anaweza kuonekana kama alikuwa defensive huku mpizani wake akiwa offensive,and that matters in politics.

Hata hivyo,kama ilivyotarajiwa,Obama ameonekana kufanya vizuri kwenye eneo ambalo anaaminika kuwa stronger kuliko McCain:uchumi.Kwa mwenendo wa mdahalo ulivyokuwa,yayumkinika kuhitimisha kuwa Obama alifanya vizuri kwenye nusu ya kwanza (takriban dakika 40 za mwanzo) ambapo hoja kuu ilikuwa uchumi.Kwa upande mwingine,McCain ameonekana kutawala zaidi kwenye nusu ya pili ya mdahalo huo ambayo iliangalia suala la sera za nje za Marekani.Kwa upande mwingine,pamoja na kutoonekana mshindi kwenye eneo hilo la sera za nje (ambalo McCain anachukuliwa kama mwenye uzoefu zaidi) Obama ameonekana kufanya vizuri zaidi kuliko ilivyotarajiwa kwa kusimamia anachokiamini na kutoyumbishwa na kauli za McCain kwamba mgombea huyo wa Republican ni mzoefu zaidi.Wapo wanaoona kwamba Obama ameweza kufanya kile alichotarajiwa kwenye "eneo lake la kujidai" yaani uchumi ilhali McCain ameshindwa kumfunika Obama kwa namna ilivyotarajiwa kwenye eneo la sera za nje.

Kadhalika Obama ameonekana kushindwa kuipigilia msumari ipasavyo hoja kwamba McCain amekuwa mshirika wa Bush katika kipindi cha miaka minane iliyopita.McCain nae kwa upande wake anaonekana ameshindwa kuitumia ipasavyo fursa ya kuonyesha yeye ni mzoefu zaidi katika eneo la sera za nje (kwa mantiki kwamba japo alifanya vizuri,hakufanya vizuri sana kama ilivyotarajiwa).Kwa kigezo cha hali mbaya ya uchumi nchini Marekani,Obama alipaswa kuwa mshindi lakini hilo halijalishi sana kwa vile mada ya mdahalo huo ilikuwa sera za nje,ambalo ni "eneo la kujidai" la McCain ambaye hata hivyo hakupata ushindi mnono kama ilivyotarajiwa.Kwa maana hiyo,kwa kushindwa kutumia vizuri "eneo lake la kujidai" (foreign policy) McCain anajiweka katika nafasi ngumu kwenye mijadala miwili ijayo ambayo inatarajiwa kuwa na mada ambazo ni strong points kwa Obama,kwa mfano uchumi na domestic affairs.

Japo sio hoja ya muhimu,yayumkinika kusema kwamba baadhi ya kauli za McCain kwa Obama zilikuwa kana kwa yuko patronizing.Ni muhimu kuonyesha kwamba wewe ni mjuzi zaidi katika eneo flani kuliko mpinzani wako lakini unapaswa kuwa makini kutoonekana "patronizing."Lakini pengine la muhimu zaidi,and this is my conclusion,Obama ameonekana kuzungumzia zaidi future ya Marekani na hivyo wakala wa mabadiliko (change) wakati McCain,kwa kusisitiza rekodi na uzoefu wake,ameonekana kuwa anapingana na msisitizo wake kwamba nae yuko for change.

BONYEZA HAPA kusikia mdahalo mzima.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


While the new South Africa's president is being sworn in (shown live on CNN),his ousted predecessor,Thabo Mbeki, is nowhere to be seen at the ceremony.


Kwa mujibu wa habari katika toleo la wiki hii la gazeti mahiri la Raia Mwema,Mkurugenzi wa Mashtaka (DPP) huko nyumbani alishatoa kibali cha kuwafungulia mashataka mafisadi lakini hadi sasa hakuna kinachoendelea.Kwa habari hiyo pamoja na nyingine na makala motomoto GONGA HAPA kusoma gazeti hilo mwanana.


Kwa mujibu wa The Citizen,Tanzania itakumbwa na mgao wa umeme wa masaa matano kwa siku kutokana na kuharibika kwa mitambo ya Songas.Let's hope this won't lead to another Richmond-like scam.Lakini pengine huu ni wakati mwafaka wa kujiuliza ni lini matatizo ya umeme yatakwisha nchini.Katika kipindi nilichokuwa nyumbani hivi karibuni,katika baadhi ya maeneo kama Sinza ilikuwa as if tayari kuna mgao wa umeme.Yayumkinika kuhisi kwamba kuna mafisadi wanaoombea tatizo hilo liwe kubwa zaidi ili watuumize tena.Who know,they might even be the force behind the Songas turbine collapse.


Breaking News on CNN

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Eleven key cabinet ministers and three deputies have resigned and will leave their posts along with President Thabo Mbeki Thursday. However, as VOA's Delia Robertson reports from our Johannesburg bureau, the Finance Minister says he will be available to the incoming president if he chooses.

Thabo Mbeki, 21 Sep 2008
Thabo Mbeki, 21 Sep 2008
The news of the resignations came as a great shock to South Africans already anxious following the resignation of Mr. Mbeki and was immediately felt in the market. The currency lost 18 points against the dollar but rallied slightly when it was revealed that Finance Minister Trevor Manuel is willing to continue in his post.

Manuel's spokesperson, Thoraya Pandy, told national radio Minister Manuel has no desire to impose himself on the incoming president.

"It also provides space and opportunity for the new president to choose whichever ministers he wants in cabinet," she said. "And the minister therefore provides that space to say that you are not duty bound to keep me on as your minister of finance, but I am willing to serve if that is what you are asking of me."

Pandy says that the deputy finance minister is also available for re-appointment.

One economist suggested the Manuel may also have been concerned about the economic direction the new administration would take and that by resigning he had put himself in a position to stipulate the conditions of his return to cabinet.

University of Johannesburg political analyst Adam Habib tells VOA that up until yesterday it appeared as though both factions in the ANC had agreed to a smooth transition. Now he says, it seems clear that despite the reassuring statements from the ministers, something serious has happened to upset Mr. Mbeki's supporters.

"Well the big question is this, how come on Saturday afternoon when [Finance Minister Trevor Manuel] was approached and prevailed upon to stay, he had agreed to do that," said Habib. "Clearly something has changed in the last 24 hours, if we sift through the diplomatic speak something has happened that has antagonized such a large lay of people."

Some commentators say that the tone of a press conference addressed by ANC president Jacob Zuma on Monday may have offended some in the cabinet. South Africans were left confused following the press conference in which Zuma failed to offer certainty to the country on a number of issues, and some analysts described his attitude as flippant and lacking in leadership.

Deputy President Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka waves from a doorway, following her resignation, in Cape Town, South Africa, 23 Sep 2008
Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka waves from a doorway, following her resignation, in Cape Town, South Africa, 23 Sep 2008
Among those leaving is Deputy President Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, who spearheaded a turnaround in government HIV/AIDS policies and forged a partnership between government and AIDS organizations to implement it.

Other ministers who have resigned include Defense Minister Mosioua Lekota, Public Service Minister Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi, Sydney Mufamadi, Minister of Provincial and Local Government and Minister of Public Enterprises, Alex Erwin. All are experienced ministers who run key departments in government.

In a hastily arranged press conference in response to the resignations, ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe said the party did not ask any minister to leave and hoped they would stay on.  



BONYEZA HAPA kuhusu habari zaidi za albamu hiyo.


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Kwa mujibu wa Mwananchi

Mahakama Kuu yaamru wafanyakazi NMB kurudi kazini mara moja
Na Kizitto Noya

JAJI wa Mahakama Kuu, Divisheni ya Kazi, Jaji Mfawidhi Ernest Mwipopo, jana alibatilisha mgomo wa wafanyakazi wa Benki ya NMB na kuwataka warejee kazini ndani ya muda wa saa tatu, uamuzi ambao umeridhiwa na wafanyakazi.

Wafanyakazi hao kutoka karibu matawi yote zaidi ya 120 nchini kote, waliamua kugoma kwa muda usiojulikana wakiishinikiza serikali kusaini makubaliano ya malipo ya mkupuo wa fedha ambazo walistahili kulipwa wakati benki hiyo ikichukuliwa na mwekezaji mpya, kutengewa asilimia tano ya hisa na pia fedha za mfuko wa kujikopesha.

Akitoa hukumu hiyo jana, Jaji Mwipopo alizitaka pande mbili zinazopingana kutoa matangazo kwenye vyombo vyote vya habari kuwajulisha wafanyakazi hao kuwa wanatakiwa kurejea kazini kuanzia saa 11:25 jioni jana hadi leo 2:00 asubuhi.

Katika hukumu hiyo iliyodumu kwa muda wa saa mbili kuandaliwa na kusomwa, Jaji Mwipopo alisema Mahakama imefikia uamuzi huo baada ya kuona upungufu katika hoja tatu za wafanyakazi hao walizozitoa kutetea mgomo wao.

Akichambua hoja moja baada ya nyingine, Jaji Mwipopo alisema aya ya kwanza na ya pili za notisi ya mgomo huo, zimeiingiza serikali katika mgogoro huo kwa kueleza kuwa imechangia kwa kugoma kusaini makubaliano yaliyofikiwa kati ya wafanyakazi wa NMB na uongozi wa benki hiyo.

"Aya hizo zinagongana na nafasi ya serikali kwenye madai ambayo ni msingi wa ugomvi," alisema. "Aya ya kwanza imeitaja serikali kuwa ndio iliyogoma kusaini makubaliano. Kutokana na hali hiyo kuna uwezekano kuwa mgogoro huo umeelekezwa kwa NMB kwa sababu ndio taasisi pekee mnayoweza kuigomea."

Alisema hoja ya pili inayofanya mahakama isiutambue mgomo huo na kuuita haramu na batili, ni muda wa kutolewa kwa nositi ya kuanza kwake.

Alifafanua kuwa, notisi hiyo ya saa 48 iliyotolewa Ijumaa ilimaanisha kuwa mgomo huo ulitakiwa uanze saa 10:45 Jumapili, muda ambao saa hizo 48 ulikuwa unaisha. Lakini badala yake wafanyakazi walianza mgomo huo saa 2:00 asubuhi Jumatatu.

Hali kadhalika jaji huyo alifahamisha kuwa mgomo huo ulipaswa kuanza jana na sio juzi endapo notisi yake ingetolewa kwa kutumia siku za kazi badala ya saa kwani sheria ya kazi, haitambui siku za Jumamosi na Jumapili kuwa ni siku za kazi.

"Hoja ya pili ni timing (muda), kama notisi hiyo ni ya saa 48 na ilipokewa Ijumaa saa 10:45 jioni, muda wake ungeisha saa 10:45 Jumapili. Kwa nini hamkugoma siku hiyo na mkaamua kusubiri hadi Jumatatu?" alihoji Jaji Mwipopo na kuongeza:

"Lakini ikumbukwe kwamba, sura ya kwanza ya Sheria ya Kazi... haitambui Jumamosi na Jumapili kuwa ni siku za kazi, hivyo kuhesabu siku hizo kuwa siku za kazi sio sahihi."

Kwa mujibu wa Jaji Mwipopo ni jukumu la mahakama kutafsiri notisi ya saa 48 inaisha lini, kwa kuwa sheria haikutoa tafsiri kuhusu notisi ya masaa hasa endapo notisi hiyo inatolewa mwishoni mwa juma.

Alisema hoja ya tatu iliyotumika kuwaamuru wafanyakazi hao warejee kazini ni udhaifu uliopo katika notisi ya mgomo huo iliyoeleza kuwa mgomo utaendelea kwa muda usiojulikana mpaka mwajiri atakaposaini makubaliano.

Alisema maelezo hayo sio sahihi kwani hayatoi fursa kwa mwajiri kujadili suala hilo na ingekuwa vema mgomo ungeeleza muda maalumu ili kumpa fursa hiyo mwajiri.

"Kutokana na mambo hayo, mahakama imetengua mgomo huo na kuutangaza kuwa ni haramu na batili hivyo hautakiwi kufuatwa. Kwa mujibu wa kifungu 84 cha sheria za ajira, naamuru ndani ya masaa matatu, kuanzia sasa, wafanyakazi wote warejee kazini," alisema Jaji Mwipopo na kuongeza:

"Nimeangalia kwa makini na kugundua udhaifu wa mambo matatu ambayo yanafanya mgomo huo uonekane batili na haramu, hivyo ninatoa amri na maagizo kuhusu suala hilo.

"Naamuru mfanyakazi ambaye hakuweza kuripoti kazini leo (jana) awe ameripoti kazini kwake kesho (leo) saa 2:00 asubuhi na naagiza uongozi wa NMB uwapokee wafanyakazi hao wote bila masharti na usiwape adhabu kwa kushiriki mgomo huo."

Saa chache baadaye, wafanyakazi waliokuwa wamekutana kwenye Ukumbi wa Msimbazi Centre, walitaarifiwa kuhusu uamuzi huo na baadaye kukubaliana kuwa wataripoti kazini leo kama ilivyoamriwa na mahakama hiyo, anaripoti Jackson Odoyo.

Baada ya Katibu Mkuu wa Chama cha Wafanyakazi wa Viwandani na Taasisi za Benki (Tuico), Boniphace Nkakatisi kuwaeleza uamuzi huo, waliweka msimamo kuwa wasingerejea kazini na kumpa kiongozi huyo wakati mgumu wa kuwaelewesha.

"Nina waomba mrudi kazini kwa moyo mkunjufu tena kwa kujituma kama awali na kutii amri ya mahakama wakati sisi tunarudi mezani kwa majadiliano zaidi," alisema Nkakatisi.

Hata hivyo, baada ya majadiliano ya muda mrefu wafanyakazi hao waliamua kukubaliana na uamuzi huo, lakini wakawaagiza viongozi wao wa Tuico kuhakikisha suala hilo linatatuliwa haraka iwezekanavyo ndani ya wiki moja vinginevyo watagoma tena.

Hukumu ya Jaji Mwipopo ilitolewa baada ya saa mbili na nusu ya mvutano mkali wa hoja za kupinga na kutetea mgomo huo baina ya mawakili wa NMB na wafanyakazi, huku Jaji Mwipopo akilazimika kuingilia kati kwa kuwahoji maswali mawakili hao kwa nyakati tofauti.

Hoja iliyoibua hisia kali kwa pande zote mbili ni ile iliyoanzishwa na upande wa mlalamikaji (NMB) kupitia wakili wake, Rason Mbwambo kwamba mgomo huo umeandaliwa kwa hila ili kumkomesha mwajiri.

Mbwambo aliieleza Mahakama kuwa, hila imejitokeza kutokana na notisi ya kuanza kwake kutolewa Ijumaa jioni na anaamini imefanywa hivyo ili kutompa fursa mwajiri kuuzuia.

Hata hivyo, wakili wa wafanyakazi hao, Amour Khamis alisema mwenye hila ni mwajiri (NMB) kwa kutaka viongozi wa wafanyakazi hao wapelekwe gerezani kama wafungwa wa madai ya kuandaa mgomo badala ya kutaka kuwe na mazungumzo ya kufikia mwafaka.

"Mwajiri ndiye mwenye hila kwani anaweza kueleza sababu gani hapa (mahakamani) ya kuomba viongozi hao wakamatwe, wafilisiwe mali zao na kufungwa kama wafungwa wa madai badala ya kutaka mazungumzo," alihoji wakili huyo.

Kabla ya mahojiano hayo, Wakili Mbwambo aliiomba mahakama itoe amri na maelekezo mwafaka kwa wafanyakazi hao ili kukabiliana na mgomo huo ambao sasa umefikia katika hatua mbaya.

Mbwambo alitaka wafanyakazi hao warejee kazini huku utaratibu mwingine wa kimahakama ukiendelea ili kunusuru hasara itakayopatikana kutokana na mgomo huo unaofanyika nchi nzima.

Hata hivyo, hoja ya Wakili Mbwambo ilipingwa na wakili wa wafanyakazi, Khamis aliyesema: "Mheshimiwa jaji, Mbwambo hakuwa mkweli na hataki kuwa muwazi. Kutaka wafanyakazi hao warejee kazini ni kuendeleza mgogoro. Njia mwafaka ni watu kukutana na kufikia mwafaka."

Kabla ya majibizano hayo, Jaji Mwipopo alitumia muda mwingi kuwauliza maswali mawakili hao na ifuatayo ni sehemu ya mahojiano yao:

Jaji: Kwa nini, msomi Khamis, mahakama isiamini kuwa mgomvi wa Tuico ni serikali iliyokataa kusaini mabaliano yenu na sio NMB?

Wakili Khamis: Ndio maana nilisema kuna haja ya sisi kupata muda wa kuwasilisha nyaraka zetu kwa maandishi kwani makubaliano yalihusu pande tatu, wafanyakazi, NMB na serikali. Kabla ya serikali, NMB ilitakiwa iwe imesaini kwanza.

Jaji: Baada ya kutoa notisi ya saa 48 Ijumaa saa 10:45 jioni, kwa nini msingegoma Jumapili siku ambayo notisi yenu iliisha badala yake mkachagua Jumatatu?

Wakili Khamis: Sheria inataka watu wagome baada ya notisi, na kwa mujibu wa sheria hiyo hakuna ubaya watu kugoma muda wowote baada ya muda wa notisi hiyo kumalizika.

Jaji: Kwa nini masaa hayo 48 hayakuwa ya siku za kazi na hivyo kuishia Jumatatu na mgomo mkaanza leo (jana)?

Wakili Khamis: Siku za kazi sio za tarehe za mwezi, ni siku ambazo wafanyakazi wa taasisi wanatakiwa kufanya kazi na kwa NMB ni siku zote kwani ATM zinafanya kazi masaa 24, hivyo ni sahihi kuhesabu Jumamosi na Jumapili kuwa ni siku za kazi kwa NMB.

Baada ya mahojiano na wakili wa wafanyakazi, Jaji Mwipopo alimgeukia wakili wa NMB na sehemu ya mahojiano yao ni kama ifuatavyo:

Jaji: Kwa nini nyie (NMB) msionekane pia kuwa mna hila na mnashirikiana na wafanyakazi hao kuishinikiza serikali isaini makubaliano kwa kutotoa taarifa mapema kwamba Jumatatu mgomo unaanza?

Wakili Mbwambo: Tunashukuru kwamba unatukumbusha uwezekano wa kuwasiliana na ofisi yako hata siku za mwisho wa juma, lakini katika hali ya kawaida isingeweza kuwaza kwamba tungeweza kukupata siku hiyo.

Jaji: Kwa nini mnaomba viongozi hawa wakamatwe, wafilisiwe na wafungwe kama wafungwa wa madai badala ya kuomba mahakama izuie mgomo?

Wakili Mbwambo: Hili ni ombi moja tu, kumbuka pia tumeiomba mahakama ichukue hatua nyingine yoyote inayoona inafaa kunusuru hali hiyo.

Baada ya maswali na majibu hayo yaliyodumu kwa takriban saa 1:30 Jaji Mwipopo alisema: "Kuhusu maombi ya NMB kwamba viongozi wakuu wanne wasikilizwe leo na amri itolewe ya kukamatwa, kufilisiwa na kufungwa kama wafungwa wa madai, natoa amri kwamba mahakama imewapa muda ili waweze kujitetea kwa maandishi na vielelezo na kuwasilisha pingamizi la kiapo kesho, (leo) kesho kutwa wampe nakala ya hati hiyo wakili wa mwajiri na Septemba 26 tukutane hapo saa 4:00 asubuhi kuendelea na shauri hili."

Naye Boniface Meena anaripoti kuwa, menejimenti ya Benki ya NMB, imewataka wafanyakazi wote wa benki hiyo waliogoma kurejea kazini leo kama amri ya mahakama ilivyowataka.

Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa NMB, Ben Christiaanse alisema anategemea wafanyakazi hao watafika ofisini kwani serikali inayafanyia kazi madai yao.

Alisema si vizuri kwa wafanyakazi kugomea menejimenti ya benki kwa kuwa wafanyakazi hawaidai benki, bali serikali.

"Ninaamini kuwa, watafika ofisini kama kawaida na sidhani kama nitachukua hatua zozote za kisheria dhidi yao kutokana na mgomo uliotokea," alisema Christiaanse.



Tuesday, September 23, 2008


CAUTION:Some explicit words in the clip below

They say Crack is dangerous but these guys don't seem to get it.

Should we feel sorry for this model or just laugh like those guys on telly?

Oh God!!!

Some rules...

And finally,these kids....


Mgomo wa NMB nchi nzima-Mishahara kuchelewa

Na Waandishi Wetu 

ZAIDI ya wafanyakazi 5,000 nchini wanaochukua mishahara yao kupitia Benki ya National Microfinance Bank (NMB) watalazimika kutolipwa wiki hii kutokana na mgomo wa nchi nzima wa wafanyakazi wa benki hiyo ulioanza jana. 

Wafanyakazi hao waligoma wakiishinikiza Serikali kuwalipa mafao na kupewa asilimia tano ya hisa zilizotengwa kwa ajili yao wakati Serikali ilipoamua kuuza hisa zake. 

Mgomo huo umekuja baada ya Chama cha Wafanyakazi wa Viwanda, Biashara, Taasisi za Fedha, Huduma na Ushauri (TUICO), kutoa notisi ya saa 48, Septemba 19 mwaka huu ikieleza kusudio la kugoma. 

Akizungumza na waandishi wa habari, Dar es Salaam jana kuhusu mgomo huo, Ofisa Mtendaji Mkuu wa Benki hiyo, Bw. Ben Christiaanse, alisema hatua iliyochukuliwa na wafanyakazi hao katika matawi 121 nchini, ni kubwa kuliko tatizo lililopo. 

Aliulaumu uongozi wa TUICO kwa kile alichodai mbali ya kusababisha matatizo mengine, umekiuka amri ya mahakama kwa kuwa suala la wafanyakazi hao bado lilikuwa linashughulikiwa na kusisitiza, kwamba mgomo huo umesababisha matatizo makubwa kwa mamilioni ya Watanzania. 

Akizungumza kwenye mkutano huo, Mwanasheria wa NMB, Bw. Rosan Mbwambo, alisema jana asubuhi benki hiyo iliwasilisha ombi rasmi mahakamani la kukiukwa amri hiyo iliyotolewa Januari 21 mwaka huu na kutaka wahusika kuchukuliwa hatua za kijinai. 

Alisema baada ya kuwasilisha ombi hilo, mahakama hiyo iliagiza pande mbili, Benki na Chama cha Wafanyakazi, kufika mahakamani leo asubuhi. 

Aliwataja viongozi wa TUICO wanaotakiwa mahakamani leo kuwa ni Katibu Mkuu wa TUICO, Bw. Boniface Nkakatisi, naibu wake Alquine Senga, Mwenyekiti wa NMB TUICO Tawi na Kamati ya Majadiliano, Bw. Joseph Misana na Katibu wa Tawi la NMB, Bw. Abdallah Kinenekejo. 

Kutoka Tanga, Benedict Kaguo anaripoti kuwa wateja wa Benki ya NMB waliulalamikia uongozi wa benki hiyo kwa kushindwa kusikiliza madai ya watumishi wao hadi kusababisha mgomo mkubwa ulioleta adha kubwa. 

Wakizungumza kwa jazba nje ya ofisi za benki hiyo tawi la Madaraka jana baada ya kukuta tangazo lililowaomba radhi wateja kuwa hakutakuwa na huduma, wateja hao walidai jambo hilo limetokana na kupuuzwa hoja za wafanyakazi hao. 

Walieleza kutofurahishwa na kauli ya Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Benki hiyo, Bw. Christiaanse kung’ang’ania kuwa mgomo huo ni batili bila kueleza chochote ama ni hatua gani amechukua kutekeleza madai ya wafanyakazi wake. 

“Sisi tunamshangaa huyu Mkurugenzi wa NMB, anaacha kueleza ni nini atawafanyia wafanyakazi hawa ili wasigome, yeye anang’ang’ania kuwa mgomo ni batili haya ni mambo ya ajabu sana,” alisema Mwalimu Deo Temba. 

Alieleza kuwa NMB ni benki kongwe nchini, hivyo kitendo cha kutowajali watumishi wake kinaifedhesha benki hiyo ndani ya jamii. 

Kutoka Shinyanga, Suleiman Abeid anaripoti kuwa mgomo ulichukua sura mpya baada ya wafanyakazi benki hiyo kutishia kuwashawishi na kuwaomba wafanyakazi wa sekta nyingine nao wagome kuishinikiza Serikali ikubali kutekeleza madai yao. 

Wakizungumza na waandishi wa habari mjini humo jana, wafanyakazi hao wakiongozwa na viongozi wao wa chama chao, ngazi ya tawi na mkoa, walisema watafanya chini juu kuwaomba wafanyakazi wenzao wawaunge mkono, ili Serikali ishughulikie haraka madai yao. 

“Iwapo madai yetu hayatapatiwa ufumbuzi mapema, sisi tutaendelea na mgomo wetu na ni wazi wafanyakazi wenzetu hawataweza kulipwa mishahara yao na hata baadhi ya wafanyabiashara watapata shida, tutawaomba nao wagome katika maeneo yao,” alieleza Bw. Emmanuel Samara Katibu TUCTA mkoani hapa. 

Naye Katibu wa TUICO Shinyanga, Bw. Gabriel Melchior, alisema wafanyakazi wa NMB hawajagoma bali wanaendeleza mgomo ulioanzishwa na Serikali na mwajiri wao. 

Naye Francis Godwin kutoka Iringa anaripoti kuwa mgomo wa wafanyakazi NMB ulikabiliwa na askari wa Kikosi cha Kutuliza Ghasia (FFU) baada ya kutanda benki hiyo huku wateja wakiwa wamepanga foleni tangu asubuhi wakisubiri kuchukua fedha zao katika ATM. 

Kutokana mgomo huo baadhi ya wananchi walimtaka Waziri wa Fedha na Uchumi, Bw. Mustafa Mkulo, kuchukua hatua ya kujiuzulu haraka kwa kushindwa kumudu nafasi hiyo. 

Mwandishi wa habari hizi alishuhudia wateja hao wengi wao wakiwa ni walimu na watumishi wa Serikali wakisubiri milango ya benki hiyo ifunguliwe, kutokana na kutokuwapo tangazo lolote lililoonesha kuwapo mgomo katika benki hizo. Matangazo hayo yalibandikwa saa 5 asubuhi. 

Kutoka Mwanza Jovin Mihambi anaripoti kuwa wafanyakazi katika matawi mawili ya NMB jijini humo walisema wataendelea na mgomo licha ya Menejimenti na Serikali kupuuza mwito wa kuwataka kukutana nao kutatua matatizo yao. 

Wakizungumza na Majira katika ukumbi wa DVN maeneo ya Posta jijini hapa, walisema awali walikubaliana na uongozi wa benki hiyo kupitia kwa Meneja wake, Bw. Methusela Israel, kuwa wangekutana kujua hatma ya nyongeza ya mishahara yao ambayo walisema kuwa ni asilimia tano. 

Katibu wa TUICO Mkoa wa Mwanza, Bw. Renatus Chimola, ambaye aliungana na wafanyakazi wa benki hiyo, alisema kama menejimenti na viongozi wa Serikali hawatatokea katika kikao hicho, mgomo huo utaendelea hadi leo mpaka uongozi huo utakapokutana nao na kujadili matakwa yao. 

Alisema wananchi ambao ni wateja katika matawi hayo watapata usumbufu, yeye na wafanyakazi hao, hawatajali usumbufu huo kwa madai kuwa wanachodai ni maslahi yao ambayo yatawawezesha kutenda kazi yao kwa ufanisi zaidi kama benki zingine nchini



SOMA STORI HII  halafu cheki clip hiyo hapo chini kwa uchambuzi zaidi.


Kwa lugha za Mlimani (UDSM) kilaza ni mtu ambaye shule haipandi.Kwake siku ya seminar presentation ni kama kutoa ushahidi kwenye kesi mahakamani ambayo inaweza kumpelekea kunyongwa.Ratiba ya mtihani ikitoka basi kwake inakuwa kama amepewa ratiba ya kifo chake.Vilaza huwa makini sana katika kuchagua marafiki chuoni hapo,hujitahidi kujiweka karibu na vipanga (kinyume cha vilaza).Kipanga halisi anaweza kuonekana kwenye lectures kwa msimu,muda mwingi anautumia kwa shughuli zake binafsi,na si ajabu kumkuta anakamata kinywaji pale Duso wakati watu wanahangaika library.Ni nadra kuwaona vipanga halisi kwenye discussion groups.Lakini come the UE,vipanga wanaendelea kutesa.Well,hiyo ni Mlimani niliyoiacha 1999.Sijui mambo yakoje kwa sasa.

Baadhi ya wachambuzi wa mambo wanamtuhumu Sarah Palin,mgombea mwenza wa John McCain, kuwa huenda ni kilaza na ndio maana amekuwa akikwepa mahojiano ya maana na vyombo vya habari.Zaidi SOMA HAPA


According to the DAILY MAIL

Black farmer quizzed by police THREE times on suspicion of stealing food from his own field

By Andy Dolan

Last updated at 6:13 PM on 22nd September 2008

Huckled: Farmer David Mwanaka with part of his latest crop

A police force sent four squad cars to question a black farmer in his field after receiving reports that a thief was stealing maize - the third time in less than a week that officers had questioned the man.

David Mwanaka, 42, told yesterday how he was reported to the police by people 'who are not used to seeing a black man working in a farmer's field', after he was repeatedly quizzed at the farm where he rents land.

Mr Mwanaka, who is originally from Zimbabwe, was quizzed for half an hour and searched, while officers also checked his van. 

He also had to call the white farmer, from whom he rents his field in Rothley, Leicestershire, before police were finally satisfied that he wasn't stealing food. 

On the third occasion, four patrol cars arrived to quiz the farmer as he was picking maize from his crop. 

The father-of-three was with wife Brenda and another worker when police first approached him on the land on a Saturday morning as he picked maize.

'They asked me what I was doing and I told them I was cropping my maize', he said. 'They said they couldn't believe me so they asked me for my ID and they did some checks on my vehicle.

'Then I had to call the local farmer, from whom I rent the field, to come and help me with the situation. He was able to tell them who I was and explain that I was renting the field from him.

'Then on Monday morning the same thing happened again. Some officers came over again and said, "We've got a report that you are stealing maize". 

'I had to go over the whole thing all over again, proving my ID and convincing them that I was genuine.

Police interest: Mr Mwanaka was visited by police three times in a week after 'ignorant' neighbours thought he was stealing crops

'Then on Wednesday I was in the field when I heard a lady police officer saying, "Hello, hello", so I went over to her and she said she was looking for a thief.

'There were four police cars there, I couldn't believe it. I explained to the officer that I wasn't stealing maize, that I was a farmer but I had to go over the same process again all over again to prove that I was telling them the truth.

'It was a waste of time on my side and for the police. They should have shared the information about this and communicated better.'

Mr Mwanaka, who has a contract to supply white sweetcorn to Sainsbury's stores in the London area, added: 'They (the police) said the people who reported me had said there was a black man stealing food from a farmer's field.' 

He believes he is one of just two black farmers in the country.

The incidents earlier this month are the first time in the five years he has rented the land that he has been bothered by the police. 

He also rents several fields in Enfield, North London,and commutes to his crops from his home in Basildon, Essex. 

Smallholder: The farmer rents his fields near Rothley, Leicestershire, from a white farmer. He also grows crops in north London

He said once someone driving past one of his fields in London shouted to him, 'What are you doing to that farmer's crop - leave our food alone.'  

Mr Mwanaka was a journalist in his home country but moved to Britain legally in 1991, initially to study. He insisted he was not offended by the incidents, which he put down to 'ignorance'.

He added: 'If it was the same person calling the police each time, that would be racist. The police haven't told me who has been making the reports, but I suspect people have just become concerned because they are not used to seeing a black man in this area.'

He farms mainly white maize - the crop he grew in Zimbabwe. But he also grows pumpkins, sweet potatoes and sweetcorn.

A spokesman for Leicestershire Police said they had 'a duty' to respond to every call made by the public reporting a suspected crime.

He said: 'Police were called to land off Mountsorrel Lane in Rothley at 9.47am on Saturday, September 13 after a report of a suspected theft.

'Two further calls regarding suspicious activity on the land were received at 8.32am on Monday September 15 and 8.30am on Wednesday September 17.

'On all occasions, officers attended the scene and, after initial investigations they were satisfied there were no suspicious circumstances.'
The National Farmers Union said they did not keep any statistics on black farmers.

A spokeswoman said: 'Farming is traditionally a very white male-dominated industry but we have seen more women coming into it over recent years, and there is no reason why that won't happen with people from ethnic minorities.'

The best known black farmer in Britain - thought to be the only other one than David Mwanaka - is Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones,50, who is the Conservative Party candidate for Chippenham, Wiltshire.

He has his own branded lines of food such as sausages marketed under the name The Black Farmer.

The father-of-three was born in the West Indies, brought up in the Midlands after coming to England with his family when he was three years old and now farms in Devon.

The government ministry responsible for farming, Defra, said they did not keep statistics on black farmers either.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Tanzania’s future in Manji’s hands?


Dar es Salaam 

A ROW has exploded over the decision of organizers of an upcoming investment conference in Dar es Salaam to declare controversial businessman Yusuf Manji as a leading role model helping to shape Tanzania’s future. 

The Economist Group, which is convening a much-hyped roundtable conference in the country on October 6 and 7 this year, lists Manji among ’’people shaping Tanzania’s future.’’ 

Manji, Chief Executive Officer of Quality Group Limited, is scheduled to be one of the key speakers at the roundtable sponsored by Barrick Tanzania, Zain, Artumas Group and Coca-Cola. 

One of the key topics of discussion at the planned conference is aptly titled ’’Is the government doing enough to tackle corruption?’’ 

Sessions of the business roundtable will be led by President Jakaya Kikwete and senior government ministers, according to the organizers. 

’’The Economist’s First Business Roundtable with the government of Tanzania offers you the opportunity to gain exclusive access to the country’s top decision-makers and discuss its economic future with an international audience of high-level executives,’’ says an advert for the conference published in The Economist’s of September 13-19 issue of 2008. 

Manji, who faces a series of corruption allegations in Tanzania, has been highlighted as one of the key players in the nation’s future economic success. 

The Secretary-General of the Opposition Chadema party, Dr Wilbroad Slaa, reacted angrily to the decision of The Economist to name the businessman as one of the ’nation’s role models.’ 

’’How can Manji be among people entrusted with our national economy and future well-being?’’ he queried in an interview with THISDAY. 

’’It’s very unfortunate that Manji is named as one of the people shaping this country’s future ... We should make sure that people tainted with corruption (allegations) are not given such honours at forums,’’ he added. 

The Karatu Member of Parliament, who is an outspoken critic of grand corruption, noted that Manji was just recently alleged to have been involved in the external payment arrears (EPA) scandal at the Bank of Tanzania. 

Among other things, the controversial businessman is also at the centre of a long-standing corruption investigation by the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) on a dubious 2004 deal involving the sale of overpriced godowns to the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) for 47.5bn/-. 

Persistent questions also remain over another dubious deal between Manji’s Quality Group Ltd and the Public Service Pension Fund (PSPF) involving the sale of Quality Plaza in Dar es Salaam for 36bn/-. 

Slaa slammed organizers of the conference for naming the businessman among the corporate speakers at the meeting, regardless of the various corruption allegations against him. 

’’The fact that Manji faces many corruption allegations in Tanzania should have been the first criteria not to include him in the list of people shaping our nation’s future ... Organizers should seriously reconsider their decision,’’ he insisted. 

Other notable senior government and corporate speakers to be joined by Manji at the gathering include the Minister for Infrastructure Development, Dr Shukuru Kawambwa, Energy and Minerals Minister William Ngeleja and the Minister for Industry, Trade and Marketing, Mary Nagu. 

Also in the list of key speakers at the upcoming conference are East African Co-operation Minister Diodorus Kamala and the Managing Director of Vodacom Tanzania Limited, Deitlof Mare. 

Other topics to be discussed during the gathering include the role of the private sector in tackling Tanzania’s infrastructure bottlenecks, perceptions of new investors from China and India on the country, tourism development and diversification into new areas such as IT and telecoms. 



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